Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Surflife saving
Jayd Cosmatos is now a rookie of the Surflife saving nelson club.He starts patroling on sunday the 13th of december from 1pm-5pm so come on down you'll be in safe hands,well done Jayd.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Saturday, October 31, 2009
A Smack Should Not Be A Criminal Offence As Part Of Good Parenting
Well it's a clearly DIVIDED issue according to our poll. Our poll does tend to lean towards smacking should be kept illegal. Violence is never a great solution but parenting is not a black and white science either. "If only it was", the parents cry out in unison. Maybe this law needs some 'refining'.
Friday, October 23, 2009
One Act Play Festival

To members of our class Jessica Eynon and Tayla Smith-Joyce have been given lead roles in the one act play called Reunion on Gallows Hill.
The play is about 5 girls who go to their friend Nancy's house for a sleep over and end up lugging all this stuff up a hill to go and sleep in a barn haunted by the ghost of 5 women who were accused of being witches and hung in 1600s we wont tell you any more you will have to find out your selves.
Jessica will be playing Martha the 26 year old ghost,
Tayla will be playing Hester the 18 year old ghost.
there will be more info on the time and date.
PS there will be 8 other plays in the festival.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Thanks to Broadgreen intermediate for the use of their facilities for our evening of learning and coffee aromas.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Art class
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
So I'm at the ulearn conference in Chch.
These are my notes from the preconference.
DK: mediasnackers.com
"button theory", click buttons = iplay
Product, but focus is on the process = why (..have you made these choices)
A= Teachers (Students)
B= Social Media
C= Tech
A+B = Participation
A+C = Empowerment
B+C = Opportunities
Speech bubbles with camera's = Stefan Sagmeister
The Invisible Children.
Slideshow used at the end.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Everybody Loves Annie
2 members of our class , Jessica E. and Tayla S.J have been working on the musical Annie and have been practising every week on Mondays to Thursdays 6:OO-9:3O for 2 months and cant wait to see you there. The shows are on the 1st of October to the 10th.there are also 2 matinées
To get tickets
- Call 5489477 or visit www.nsom.ac.nz
- Tickets from 5 to 25 dollars
- For further info visit the site listed above
published by Jessica E and Tayla S.J
christchurch south
On Sunday Christchurch South came to Nelson.
90 students from Christchurch South arrived and 90 students from Broadgreen took their billets home for 4 nights and 5 days.
during those days these were the events that happened:
- sports(soccer, netball, rugby, rippa rugby, hockey, basketball)
- hosts and billets went to rabbit island
- 2 concerts
And also on the 24th of september Christchurch South left to go back to their home town.
published by Hayley smith and Jessica eynon
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Cross country
On Friday the fourth of september it was Cross country. Which was a great experience for everyone it was heaps of fun and you could earn points for your house, if you came in amongst the top fifty people but it was also very tiring.
Monday, September 21, 2009
13th grade soccer reps
congratulations to jacob pellowe for making the 13th grade soccer reps . we are going to Queenstown on the 26 of september for the south Island tournament for4days good luck jacob.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Basketball Mania
Congratulations to Jonas Kale for being captain of the U13 basketball rep team.It was a fierce battle in the playing field of Dunedin basketball centre for it was the the south island final between Nelson and Mid-Canterbury . Nelson fought a hard but good game of basketball, unfortunately they lost by 2 points. They were very sad but pleased with there efforts. At the end of the game Jonas had to give a short speech . When he called the rest of the team up the top of the trophy flew off everyone laughed . After that memorable moment they packed our gears and started there long trip home. SMAAACK a big hawk sawed straight into there windscreen which was now smashed. Jonas says it was a bummer that we came second but overall we had an awesome trip.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Zero Waste at Broadgreen
For this term and till the end of the year Broadgreen are working on being a zero waste school,3 monitors from our class have been chosen to represent room 2 to lead the class to be a zero waste school, they are Campbell Rollo, Aimee Mullenger and Maia Tarapipipi. They are trying to encourage other students to bring less rubbish to school by......
- Having a zero waste lunch box which contain no packaging or rubbish.
- Recycle wrapped food i.e.. wrapped muesli bars,small packed chips in to the container for unwanted food that is getting wasted in our lunch boxes.
- There will be no rubbish bins around the school.
- We will be getting some picnic tables to go around the canteen soon.
- And each class is going to get a compost bin to put their bread,fruit and veggie scraps.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Disco - Term 2
Disco - Term 2
It seems a while ago now but the Broadgreen disco was a lost of fun with cool music, dancing, rock and pop bands playing and some great prizes.
Some parents have recently asked after some pictures of the evening. Well we can't show all of the photo's on this blog because of security issues. Some parents would prefer that their children are not viewed on the WWW. So here are a few photo's that we can publish for those parents that requested photo's of their children that have signed a WWW online publishing release form.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Top Spot..
The last game of the tuesday night soccer.
It was a gruling game,we was hanging on in the first half by the time the whistle had gone for half time NO goals had been scored.
The second Half came, with us all trying our best and none stop running,However at the end of the game the score was 6-0 to Prep.
i would like to say a big Well done to all the players
and a big Thanks You to Mrs Riccardi our couch.
By Ellie Kershaw And Tayla Smith-Joyce.
Waimea Go's Down!!
It was a close game, however the score ended up 2-1 to broadgreen with Ellie Kershaw scoring both goals!
It is now said that the next game is bis - prep for the top spot!!
Wish Us Luck Once Again.=]
By Tayla Smith-Joyce And Ellie Kershaw.
b.i.s Soccer
Bis girls soccer team has been successful this year with two of room 2s valuble class members Ellie Kersaw and Tayla Smith-Joyce in there Team.
They have played prep, wiamea and nelson intermidate.
They are coming second equal in the draw with prep up at the top.
Tonights game ins Bis v Wis the winner will vs Prep for the top spot.
We Will Get Back To You Soon On The Winners Of Tonights Game.!!
By Tayla Smith-Joyce And Elliie Kershaw
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Poll-Science is sooo cool.
Once again we had a sad response to this poll. Three people think that reports are still important though. Maybe it's time to post a more serious poll...
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
The class have elected a new Deputy Sports Leader: Riley Haymes. Riley is currently a Nelson soccer representative and is always a contributor to any sports activity in the class. Riley gave a speech and contested a clearly coveted role in the class.
Well done also to Maia Tarapipipi, Campbell Rollo and Sam Stuart who are now Zero Waste Managers in our class. Watch this space for more information to come.
Mr Luke
U12 Rugby Representitive Team
Congratulations to Fa'avae and Matthew for winning their first rep game on gainst country on sunday. We wish them luck for their next game in reefton against west coast on the 17th of August.
Monday, August 3, 2009
The Birth Of Bob Marley.
Crack.......!! the egg is open! Room two has Been watching bob the turtle crack open in his egg. This was the daily process:
Significant cracks appear around the point of the egg.
Head poking through the top. Front legs pushing through the egg sides.
Broken line through middle of the egg. Head more exposed. Significant Cracks Through the top of the egg.
Part of the egg has split in half and bob has nearly hatched out of his egg.
Full egg separation slightly larger turtle.
enlarge amphibian, fully exposed head (said Connor Murray)
Feels slimy and rubbery (says Connor)
We now have a new pet in room 2!
By Jaz, Ellie and Jayd!!!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Poll-Science is sooo cool.
Well we didn't draw a lot of votes but the results show that Science is, in fact, very cool.
Let's hope we can get a few more votes in our next poll.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Maori Language Week!!

This week is Maori Language week, it has been celebrated for over 30 years, The Māori Language Week theme for 2009 is "Te Reo i te Hapori - Māori Language in the Community." and how they got it out to the community of this year is the popular childrens cartoon Spongebob Squarepants on nickelodeon has (for this week only) converted its language to Maori.Since 1975 Māori Language Week has been an opportunity for us to speak it, or to show our support to speakers of te reo Māori. Join us in 2009 as we celebrate te reo Māori - the Māori language.
By Raina Masters and Maia Tarapipipi
Monday, July 27, 2009
Under 12 Town Nelson Rugby Rep Team
Congratulations to Fa'avae and Matthew for making the Nelson town representitive team for positions Number Eight and First five on sunday the 26 of July.
12th grade soccer reps
Congratulations to Izaak Cunningham , Jackson Barber , Jayd Cosmatos and Riley Haymes for making it into 12th grade representatives of Nelson who travel to Blenheim on October the 3th , 4th , 5th and 6th.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
American Independence Day
On July 4 is American Independence Day.This day is celebrated by big parades and parties.The Americans declared independence on July 1776. They decided to declare independence because the taxes were to high. So the revolutionary war between America and England was started.
America won and became independent. The first president was George Washington. We also call Independence day
The fourth of July,
The Glorious fourth
and , The fourth.
Canada Day!!!
It's Canada day!
On July the 1st 1867 Canada became a dominion. At the time Canada was under British rule. Canada was formed from the provinces, upper Canada, lower Canada, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. It was the first country to be called a dominion. The first prime minister was John A. Mcdonald. In 1867 the population was around 3.4 million. Canada was granted its own constitution in 1982.
By Paige (a canadian)
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Science Fair
We've done it! We have all completed a science fair project and now you can view them in the hall. Parents can sign in at the main desk just inside the school foyer.
Come in and take a look at some of the supercool questions students asked and the scientific method they undertook to answer their question.
From Algae Bloom to absorbent toilet paper, you have until Wednesday next week to see that no stone was left unturned in a quest for the scientific truth!
Monday, June 15, 2009
My Dad Drives Indy Cars for a Hobby...
During a Monday morning discussion we wandered across the topic of fast cars. Paige, unlike many of the other girls began to show a similar level of interest that the boys were, of course, enjoying. Paige then put her hand up and shared, "My Dad drives Indy cars for a hobby". This, as you can imagine stopped the class silent leaving some boys, as well as our teacher 'gobsmacked'. "Sorry Paige, can you please repeat that?", inquired Mr Luke.
We discovered that Paige's family have a devoted family history with motorbike and car racing!
Progressing from motorbikes (after too many injuries) Paige's Dad raced cars such as the BMW 2002 series, Lotus Super 7, GT1 (like Holden/Ford V8 series) and then the famous Indy cars.
Paige can be seen here in one of two 3.5 litre V8 indy cars that produces 730hp at 10,500 rpm! Top speed......... 330kph! That's OVER 3 TIMES New Zealand's current legal road speed limit!
If you would like to know more (we have more cool facts and pics from Paige's parents), come in for chat and a look. After we discovered this we found out that there are also many more gifted and talented parents in the room. If this is what the parents are doing, could you imagine where we will all be in just a few years time..........?
Friday, May 29, 2009
Rm2 goes down by a single point!
Lunchtime games. It was a great challenge but we could not sink those vital shots losing but just one point to Rm7......we'll be back.
Next lunchtime games: Landmines.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Lunchtime Games

We finally won a round during lunchtime games! It's been hardwork and we have faced challenging competition in past lunchtime games but this time we made it through to the next round. Erika dropped a couple of 'bombs' which put the team in this basketball shooting competition. Other players also stepped up to the challenge which was finished off with style by Jacob Pellowe who knew to throw a rebound, catch it himself and sink the final shot for a winning score of 21! Well done team: Hayley Smith, Jacob Pellowe, Erika Sturgess, Raina Masters, Riley Hames, Jonas Kale.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Milo Cricket Cup Win!
Note:Maybe someone could send in some details so I can edit this post with a little more accuracy.
Ditch that Homework! Latest poll is clearly definitive.
The results of our latest poll show that a whopping 74% of voters chose to DITCH homework, while just 4% thought that homework is a quality learning tool.
Quite clearly we can see that the voters on this blog do not want to see homework happening. Out with homework and in with extra-curricula activity......or maybe some couch potatoe sessions?......
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Blokes Day Out Triathlon
Congratulations to Jayd Cosmatos who placed 22nd in his age group and 107th overall in the recent Blokes Day Out triathlon. Ben Seelen also participated on the day. Well done Jayd and Ben.
3 Way Conference Complete.
Thanks to all the parents that booked in for a 3 way conference. It was a pleasure to meet you and I look forward to seeing you throughout the rest of the year. Remember you can ask questions from this blog and they are SCREENED BEFORE they are published so you can as a question in confidentiality if you wish. So anything if you missed anything during your conference that you wanted to know, feel free to blog me.
This term has been a great start to the year and I look forward to term two.........but not without a great holiday and time with my family first :)
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Three Way Conferences Times and Goal Sheets
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
3 Way Conferences (Appointment form due TODAY)

3 way conferences are: TUES 7th APRIL and WED 8th APRIL (10mins)
Thanks for the prompt response from all parents who have sent forms in. Much appreciated.
Ché Luke
Thursday, March 19, 2009
It's Bloggin' Time!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Leadership Team Elected
Old School Styles
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
School Uniform Rox.....Not!!!
Well the poll closed and the majority of votes were to ditch the school uniform. It seems that the followers of this blog can't stand that practical look. Out with uniform, in with mufty.
Monday, March 16, 2009
CAMP '09 (Term 4, Week 5)
We will be heading to Totaranui for our camp this year in Term 4, Week 5)
Date: Monday 9th - Friday the 13th of November
We will be staying in the newly renovated Homestead, complete with parent lounge (for those 'time out' occasions) and hot water showers.
I like an activity based camp, providing students with multiple opportunities and outdoor experiences. If parents can provide boats for fishing or 'biscuiting' or have training in an outdoor activity they think maybe relevant and exciting for the students, I would be pleased to hear from you.
If you can help, I can take up to 7 parents (two spots have already been taken: 2/7).
Please feel free to contact me at school or email me che@broadgreen.school.nz
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Meet the Teacher tonight 7pm in Rm2.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
World of Wearable Art Visit (Yr 7 Tech)
Mrs Packer described to us how some of the garments were made including one made from over 20,000 shirt collar plastic tags!
We also took a look around the classic cars section of the museum. We took this Jag out for a spin.
Check out the album below for more photo details.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Thursday, February 12, 2009

Waitangi Day - Just another day off or a
representation of true bi-cultralism at work?
We're taking a look at the importance of recognising the relationship between Maori and Pakeha and the alliance forged over 150 years of living together. Do you have an opinion? We're sharing ours over the next few weeks in the classroom. Come and visit, maybe you could teach us something......maybe you'll learn something new....
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Personal Profiles
To get to know each other and to integrate Information and Computer Technology (ICT) we have taken photo's of ourselves, posterised these photo's and printed them as A3 posters. This is not the final product however. To see the final stage of Art integration come and visit Room 2 to see some mind-blowing results.
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